Monday, 6 February 2012

Look out Hollywood the Youth Rangers are coming.........

Setting up
 Saturday the 4th of February  was ...... rolling...
as the Youth Rangers got to grips with creating their own movie magic.

Nathan Williams, from Herefordshire Rural Media Company, was our tutor for the day. The group gained a range of new skills and experience.They were shown how to set up their kit, to frame and link shots and interview technique. The Youth Rangers worked in three separate crews and filmed a scene from Toy Story to practise their filming technique.
In the afternoon they undertook separate shooting assignments. Crew 1   interviewed local historian Liz and Jon Hurley along the Wye. Crew 2 filmed  Liz and Dave Berry in Period costume, capturing the flavour of the Wye Tour at the Kymin. We owe  Iris Price a great debt of gratitude for supplying all the costumes, that created an authentic flavour of the late 1700's.
At Monmouth Canoe Hire the  Crew 3 interviewed the owners Sue and Graham Symmonds, and took to the water complete with head cam!
We are  looking forward to the premiere....roll out the red carpet.

Nathan directing the action

Conservation and First Aid Training at Staunton Meend

Youth Rangers managing vegetation in one of the ponds at Staunton Meend
Sixteen Youth Rangers gathered at Staunton Meend on Saturday 28th of January. The pond was cleared of encroaching vegetation improving the habitat for a wealth of aquatic invertebrates and amphibians.

After exploring the Meend the group set to work removing birch saplings from the grassland. This proved to be extremely hard work, well done everyone for pitching in.
To find out more about Staunton Meend read the fact file on the main Youth Ranger pages.

In the afternoon we all took part in first aid training led by Mark Jessup from Wye Valley Emergency First Aid.

Discussing the contents of a first aid kit
A number of common first aid scenarios were discussed and we practised a ranage of  techniques to employ in common emergency situations.

Dealing with a casualty
This is what the Youth Rangers said about their day.......

We did a bit of orienteering and found the Buckstone which overlooked a beautiful view.
           I discovered all about the Meend and how the community are trying to make it a better habitat.
We discovered different types of leaves on our walk and identified what they were.
           We worked together in a team which helped to get to know each other better than we did before.

            We saw a woodcock which was great because I have never seen one before and would now be   able to recognise one again.

            From the first aid training I feel confident that if an emergency situation arose I would know the appropriate response to take, including not only personally playing a physical role in the situation, but also calling for help etc.